Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure: Review

It is not known for certain, as and when in the head of a famous fashion designer Mark Eco (Mark Ecko) the idea of ​​creating your own game came. Having enlisted support Atari and not deprived of the straight hands of developers from The Collective, Graffiti-writer began to master the hitherto unknown gam-ranges. A third-person cross-plate Action Cross-platform Action was assigned to the role Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. Without changing his principles, Mr. Eco created a bright, stylish and, at the same time, ambiguous project. No matter how diverse there are reviews about the game, one can safely say one – Marc Ecko’s Getting Up leaves no one indifferent (the fate of the young guy Trane became interested and high -ranking persons "Australian Committee of Morality, dubbing a shock product Atari Persona Non Grata due to demonstration in the unacceptable kangaroo of antisocial acts in the homeland).

The plot of the game is served in the form of stylish videos telling about the misadventures of the young resident of the fictional metropolis New Radius – Traina. Having hung out in the entrance episode on the edge of the airship, the chiefheror foals time back and in the smallest detail tells how he was able to reached such a life. Disobeying the instructions of the grandmother, black "Bombed" He begins to leave examples of his own creativity in the alleys of his native city, thereby automatically attracting the attention of law enforcement officers. However, not only cruel policemen are attended on the streets of the futuristic city: representatives of numerous underground organizations, who also do not disdain a dozen or two walls from their own spray cards are conducting a constant struggle against the law and a protagonist. To the honor of local sterine-compilers, all 11 game stages are passing without the presence of distinct symptoms of boredom, even more, the story of the confrontation of a talented revolutionary with an oppressive regime makes him amazed to sit in front of the screen until the final credits are on the offensive.

Before each mission, we choose particularly attracted drawings from the so -called Black Book and go to the next level. All tasks in Contents Under Pressure are very conditional in nature. Typically, it is necessary to paint over several artistic samples of hostile groups, capture the best works of street art for the fashionable cameraph of Nokia or try yourself in the implementation of some bonus tasks.

The process of drawing drawings by the developers devoted a lot of time. To begin with, it is worth noting a rich arsenal of a free graffitter – in bottomless pockets, a tray can carry both special markers with aerosol spray cans and volumetric rollers. Using improvised utensils is very unusual. The fault of this, to put it mildly, is an uncomfortable keyboard layout, refusing, in addition, to undergo any changes from the main menu. Simultaneous pressing of three or four keys in the game – a typical lesson. Of course, from the time you are getting used to everything, but the first clashes with unavailable controls are caused by light bouts of rabies. With all this, special points of reputation are accrued for the quality of art work, but the drawings are evaluated in five parameters depending on the location of strokes, the cleanliness of the execution, the spent time ETC.

If you discard from Marc Ecko’s Getting Up All this "bombing" Mishura, then the purest water of the Action will appear before us, and not the worst, pretty much flavored with acrobatic troubles in the spirit of modern Prince of Persia. Deprived of any manifestations of a firearm arsenal, the hero is forced to choose his own fists, heels and nearby interior items. Fights in the game are cheerful and dynamic. About a dozen different combo, blocks, departures, deceitful blows – all this is the brave revolutionary. The distribution of particularly weighty bargains is accompanied by a fashionable shutters of the screen and selected swearing against the offender.

There really is nothing to find fault with the sound component of the project. The super-licensed soundtrack, I think, is not worth reminding, since all the citizens interested in the long-time for a long time are familiar with the just chic list of compositions involved in the game.

But the graphic discharge Marc Ecko’s Getting Up leaves much to be desired. Of course, you can refer to visual flaws inherent in all multiconsel products, but by the standards of the same PS2, the game can not be called a beautiful game. In addition, the RSV version, judging by numerous reviews, suffers excessively by long level loading, although the author of these lines did not have to face a similar problem.

Final comments:

Game-Developer Debut Mark Eco, of course, was a success. Unfortunately, Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure It was not possible to avoid most of the shortcomings of modern cross -platform Actions, such as wayward camera and weakly visual decoration – the rest of the project turned out to be solid: non -trivial ideas from graffiti, a fascinating plot, a well -styled atmosphere and qualitatively set fights.

Gameplay: a mixture of an interactive tutorial on applying illegal drawings, acrobatic elements and a solid Action’a.
Graphics: rather weak video. Even by console standards.
Sound: a powerful soundtrack, which is, in fact, one of the significant factors in the acquisition of the game.
For a long time?: 11 stages, composed of about 30 missions, will definitely not let you get bored for a couple of gaming days.Patrick Spins Casino review