FIFA 09: Prevent
EA, Apparently, it is a company that has an inner desire for justice and care for the players – even if he does not suspect it herself. Otherwise, why, one wonders, she was to release a demo version of the game FIFA 09? After all, it is necessary, after all, so that the buyers shake the mountains of variegated, empty-bearing press releases and with their own hands, eyes, ears to penetrate the very essence. Well, if a great chance was introduced, we took advantage of this – the impressions are set forth on the pages of this preview.
According to the information position of the publishing house, the latest iteration of the football series makes a significant, in comparison with the ancestors, a step forward. From now on, flawed unification approaches are thrown into the past, when one version of the game with a certain success wanders on all platforms. Users of the RS, Xbox 360 and WII deserve individual conditions, the best way to reveal the features of a particular system. In the case of a personal computer, such a feature, of course, is the mouse – FIFA 09 present a new, innovative, seemingly control scheme. Rather, even two: in one option, using the mouse, the mouse is carried out in the field, in another, the mouse is responsible for other actions of alter ego. The idea in theory is seen interesting and ergonomic – the finites of seasoned football players should become closer to the people, because there is no need for complicated keyboard performances. In practice, everything as usual goes wrong. The first way of the game is a pitch nightmare. The football player runs in the direction of the cursor, PASs are carried out LKM, PKM blows, and the fins of the clamped SKM. The keyboard plays a purely auxiliary role: go to a sprint using a gap, direct the command to the attack using button 5. EA suggests that this mode is intended for beginners, but it is better not to use it to anyone. The second control option: moving using WASD;Drawing shocks, passes, pickups, selection Finta – under the jurisdiction of the mouse. This variation is already reminiscent of something intelligible and meaningful, only not yet incurred, not brought to mind. The tail manipulator, due to a specific structure, cannot take on many duties, and there is a criminally few functions on the keyboard. In FIFA 09, the classic control scheme survived and this is the main drawback of the previous two options – they lose to it in functionality. Adhering to new movements, you will have to forget about some tricks, for example, through gear. However, the mouse is such an important plus as the feints. You clamp the middle button and describe the routes with a cursor – the football player begins to create beauty. EA talks about 32 of its varieties in the final version. For this reason, we have to admit that, most likely, the future behind the ligament "Mouse+keyboard". The developers will have to polish the balance and scheme over compromises – you look, in FIFA 10-11 She will become the main.
It is expected that FIFA 09 will be noticeably modified by the gameplay. The reason for this will be the system of power struggle between players. Football players do not hesitate to shove a friend, close the ball with a corps and, in a collision, fall more than a hundred different ways, given the numerous physical aspects. Demo version confirms expectations: stiffness in relations on the field increased. That’s just cardinal gameplay changes are not observed: FIFA With the shocks, the same old-food remains FIFA And played as FIFA. Therefore, we recommend that you do your expectations in advance. As for the Be a Pro mode, which debuted in version 08, he remained in his place and in his content. Only now lasts 4 seasons, while up to 3 players can take part in one match.
An honorary position in the assortment of the expected innovations is occupied by a system of widgets. In fact, it will not carry any technical load in itself – its goal is the convenience of users. In the main FIFA 09 menu, you can create the right number of windows for yourself, which will be broadcast the most diverse information: currently online tournaments, your game statistics, news about your favorite team. It is also possible to load the latest forms or other additional materials announced on the network. What will be available for free, some through the EA Store service.
Finally, the most burning innovation FIFA 09 remained – graphics. Alas and ah, Necstgen did not happen – you could read in our news feed, which, in the opinion EA, Visual beauties of versions for Xbox 360 and PS3 would have pulled only 1-3% of all computers in the world. However, there are still progresses. It is difficult to say whether the RS-Versia engine changed, or a major overhaul happened to it, but the grass on the lawn became three-dimensional, the faces of the players have gained human features and incompetent details, the picture was inhabited. Along with graphics, animation also added, albeit still generating funny scenes. An anachronism in all the aforementioned modernization is still a blatant spree fans and some details of the stadium, as if chopped by an ax. But still it is made, the long-awaited step forward.
No one has been waiting for a long time from the series FIFA revolutionary jerks. She, first of all, is a brand, a thick pack of licenses and moderately pleasant gameplay. Most likely, we will get the same game, only belted and pretty proven. But at least so – it is gratifying that the evolution of the series reluctantly and carefully increases the pace. The pressure is affected Pro Evolution Soccer.