Assassin’s Creed: Pirates: Review
With the release of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag interest in pirate topics among players instantly increased. The wonderful story of Edward Kenoi Ubisoft This year is accompanied by a mobile project Assassin’s Creed: Pirates. The application is dedicated to the Caribbean in the Atlantic waters of the Caribbean without an intrusive mention of the confrontation of the Templars and Assassins from the original series soaked in the Atlantic waters of the Caribbean. This is the most suitable opportunity to recall such old legends as “Corsaras: Curse of the Far Seas” and Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Dedicated to real pirates!
Mobile AC sends us to the world of pirate adventures. There is no more land life with parkor and the internal intrigues of the Abstergo-the whole hype of the main series itchs somewhere in the background and comes down to only a few KT-scenes with the mention of familiar names. Story Pirates It revolves around the protagonist Alonso Batilla, who finds the trace of the treasures of the legendary pirate of La Buza and goes in search of new tips as captain of his own ship with a small team of selected scumbags. По пути ему встретятся многочисленные тайники, клады и дополнительные задания.
From the very beginning in Pirates узнается стилистика Black Flag. Спецэффекты, дымка, грозы, волны, восходы и закаты здесь все так же прекрасны. However, for the maximum optimization of rich three -dimensional scenes, developers have greatly simplified the models of islands and ships. The difference in the quality of the graphics is very striking on the tablets with a large screen. But no technical nuances interfere with our adventures in the waters of the Atlantic under the sails fluttering in the wind.
Игра делится на режим исследования мира и глобальную карту. In the first case, the ship control is subject to us. Put sails in different positions, choose a course and swim to the goal – all this was practically not subjected to changes after Black Flag. But the battle is greatly simplified. Теперь требуется сконцентрировать свое внимание только на орудийных залпах, которые проходят в пошаговом режиме борт к борту. When the enemy attacks, we speed up the ship or slow down it for maneuvering. Such mini-games haunt us in all actions, including individual tasks.
Each successful battle brings the prey necessary to obtain various bonuses. With the accumulation of experience in battle, the level rises. Game progress makes it possible to hire a team, acquire skills and buy new ships. The selection of people deserves special attention. Каждый матрос чему-то обучен и готов поделиться с нами своим корабельным умением. В дальнейшем оно будет «прокачиваться» за деньги. If you get such a “perk” in battle on your own, then its development will cost only experience points. Ах да, и никаких микротранзакций!
На глобальной карте отображаются все наши враги, острова и места тайников. Здесь же показываются «чекпоинты» для регат и сюжетных миссий. In fact, in this mode we simply save time and get new tasks, looking for floating goods and treasures. The sensory management to indicate the trajectory of traffic here is very useful – we seem to draw a course on this map. The fog of war may become an obstacle. To scatter it, you will have to wind up more than a dozen virtual sea miles or look for a review point. As in original games, they reveal unexplored areas of the map.
We have not seen interesting games on pirate topics for a long time. Ubisoft She made the right decision when she tried to step a step away from the history of the Assassins and Templars, inviting the players to delve into dangerous pseudo -historical adventures. Assassin’s Creed: Pirates became a wonderful companion for Black Flag. The game is fascinating and full of adventure. Yes, in Ubisoft did not create a trading system, as in « Corsarers », and did not present the sieges of forts with a hundred other opportunities from the brainchild Sid Meyer. But the Kulevrin and the helm in the hands of the first person’s view provided us with!
Pros: General stylistics is qualitatively borrowed from Black Flag;remarkable weather effects and a change of time of day;sea battles under Chansti’s songs;thoughtful auxiliary actions;The plot, characters and the “pumping” system are motivated to pass.
Cons: The battles are very light and quickly bored;The music is impressive, but there are few tracks;The story is too short;It would be more fun with the trade and seizure of