4 Ways to Pass a Drug Test on Short Notice

how to use fake pee for a drug test

There is a risk of suffering from urinary tract infections as you inject synthetic urine into your bladder. Once you’ve produced your sample, then the collection cup will be inspected before it is then taken to the collector to take it to the collection site. Synthetic urine contains all the same substances as human urine and matches the color, pH level, and smell of real urine.

However, the sample must remain warm, as that’s how to get the urine to the right temperatures for a drug test. There are hand warmers you can use for this purpose to ensure the sample bottle maintains body temperature. The bladder is attached to a cotton belt and should be placed around your waist securely.

It also comes with a waistband that you can seamlessly attach to the insides of underwear or swimming trunks. The rubber material and 1-liter capacity mean it fits in most supervised testing scenarios. You may need to learn how to keep pee warm for a drug test as a female. The deposit needs to be as warm as it would have been if you peed normally.

The technology behind drug tests has made it much more difficult to get away with using fake urine. It’s high risk because you can’t know for sure what types of testing steven tyler health problems methods the lab performing the drug test will use. The Whizzinator is another veritable fake pee kit you can use for your drug test. It’s got a fake penis that lowers your chances of getting caught even in a close observation situation. However, try not to pull it out all the way and practice a few times before the actual drug test. You would be undertaking a risky venture trying to bring fake pee to your supervised drug test, which means you need to be cautious as much as possible.

Reasons to avoid synthetic urine or fake pee to pass a drug test

Therefore, practicing how to use hand warmers to maintain the temperature of pee for a drug test should be in most cases. You can tape the sample bottle to your thigh or groin with a joint wrap or a little duct tape, then wear your underwear. Also, you’d want to strap the handwarmer opposite to the sample bottle, as it keeps it away from sight behind the thighs or legs.

Flushing means that on the morning of your drug test, you need to drink lots of water to flush out the THC. The aim is to dilute your urine and flush out the THC metabolites in your system. For cannabis consumers preparing for a urine test on a tight schedule, the detox kits and products from offer the tried-and-true solutions you can trust for securing a passing grade. A rhinophyma and alcoholism direct observation drug test involves an observer witnessing the collection of the individual’s urine samples for the test. In a more unbridled term, someone else gets to watch you pee during direct observation testing.

The foggy ethics around drug testing

how to use fake pee for a drug test

Usually, direct observation will only be used in certain situations, such as if there is suspicion that the person being tested is going to tamper with the sample. This will usually mean that they have been found tampering with a test when being monitored. Before you begin the test, you will be asked to show your waist and upper thigh area to the professional. The reason for this is to check if you have brought with you a false bladder or another product that can be used to dispense synthetic urine formula or substitute urine. The first and most challenging obstacle with fake pee is that most drug tests are supervised. Synthetic urine kits are often mentioned as a way to pass a drug test, supplying you with fake THC-free urine to pass off as your own.

The surest way to pass supervised drug testing is to use a urine substitute kit or to flush your system with a combination of detox drinks and water. A detox drink is a better option to does water flush alcohol out of urine pass a test if you provide a sample under the observation of a supervisor. Synthetic urine (also known as fake pee) is a liquid substance that attempts to replicate real human urine to be used for passing drug tests. After you have filled the artificial bladder with synthetic urine, then you want to attach it to your inner tight. This helps to use your natural body temperature to keep the synthetic urine at a natural temperature.

How to Pass a Supervised Drug Test

  1. Drug testing is an employment requirement in many companies and industries.
  2. You also need to ensure that the urine from a donor is completely clean too.
  3. A tape – or a simple rubber band – is necessary to hold the hose underneath the penis (for males) or above the vulva (for females).
  4. The existence of these companies is a marker of this particular moment in drug policy.

You may also want to do a home urine test before going for your drug test, as then you can be sure if the flushing of THC is working and you can know if you’re going to pass the test or now. If you have the time to spare, the 5-Day Detox Kit from offers a highly reliable detox solution. A best-seller, this has helped over 250,000 people cleanse their bodies of unwanted toxins fast, and is designed to meet the needs of those with the highest exposure. The Fail-Safe Kit from is designed for daily cannabis consumers who need to take a urine test on the fly and do not want to leave their results to chance. Designed to fully kick in after 90 minutes and remain effective for up to six hours, the Fail-Safe Kit gives you a sizable window in which to deposit a clean, THC-free sample.

Alternatives to Synthetic Urine for a Drug Test

The kit might include warmers, too, so check the kit’s container for the instructions on when and how to use the warmers. When someone orders the kit, they should pick one that has a fake penis with the same skin tone as themself. This is recommended if you’re attempting this method under direct supervision or if you think that video cameras may be present. When it’s time to provide your sample, then with your right hand, you want to take the false penis, pinch about halfway down, then open the valve on the bladder with your other hand. Keep in mind that the supervisor can hear you, so try to make it sound as if natural urine is leaving your body. However, there is indeed a way to pass the drug examination without detection.

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